

All hail the red monkey!
On his way to this years Birmingham comic show is my contribution to our colaberation comic, here is a sneaky peek of a little corner of a page!

Its so cool to see Monkey finally in a comic, he's been around a character in my sketch books for years and finally he shal see the light of day in RED MONKEY and the BLADES OF TIME!


brrr shnikt!

WOlverine in the snow YAY
Enjoy :)



Some scribbles of a character for a friends CG project!


Z is for ZATANNA

Here am some inks of Zatanna.
Woot, she's hot, but a bit cack, at least in the DC video game anyway, she just get killed all the time Grrrr!


Girl doodle

Here am a character sketch for a friends comic, hope u like it :)


JANKEY! its a word honest

Hay there, ok, here is what my friend calls a JANKEY model, its masically a scruffy scratch build that acts as a concept for the final build, ilike the turm, it sounds so descriptive. Anyway, i had this idea for a vehicle and I cant draw cars n shit, i find it easier just to build it so i rammed this together last night, its real rough and needs loads more doing to it, but i couldn't resist bunging it up, hope you like :)


To fight crime, you gotsta do the over time!

Knight staff, a character i devised for a Candleman story Charlie and I have been developing based around the legend of Thule and Atlantis and all that madnes.
Hope you like him :)



Right, rock n roll, here is some happy shiny colourful shit! I been off on another one of my Marvel trips this week, cos their characters are fun to draw, this is Psylocke, she was always one of my faves and she was always so FIHINE. This was a relitivly qick pen sketch that I really liked and took to the next faze, I really like her face, it turned out well.

And this is one of my own little dudes. Knight Staff, he was a hero with the Action Hero League back in the day, this is just the inks, but I will tart it up at some point, I thought I'd ram a bit of me own stuff on there cos I know Mr Jackson gets disappointed in me and my Marvel obsession.


Nice TIT

This is a generic soldier baddy I have conjured up for Candleman, the Action Hero Leagues Tactical Insurgence Team. Big dumb minions with guns and lightening sticks, designed for all that kind of funning about and getting beaten up that is often needed in action scenes, you always need faceless minions



Did some doodlin' on the weekend, we had a crazy weekend of helping friends move house and late night move festness and beer and pizza, I finally saw TRON, AWESOME! and so didnt do any comic, but i had a bit of time for some chill out sketching, here is one of the sketches all coloured up :) hope you like!