Wilhelmina sheds a tear as more unfortunate animals bite the dudt in Staying in the light WOOT!
It's something Geoff pointed out to me a while back, there always seems to be some poor animal taking one for the team in the name of comedy poor ol Sabastian the weardog got well and truelly forked in Darkness Falls and in SITL... well, you'll have to see, but trust me, there is just enough monster animal mayhem to keep the rspca sweating, obviously Willi got a fair bit attached to this one.
Bin having a stab at the cover for Staying in the light, I want a stylized kinda impacting cover with a similar theme and feel to these!
HOWLEE SHEET! what the heck are these?! they are covers for a mini series i have pencilled out on me drawing board allong with a billion other things for the Cman, anyway, I really like um and think they are effective graphically and would love Staying in the light to have a similar look to its cover, so I had a stab at it over lunch, hmm, skinda there, but I'm not sure if I like it, I may to with the format a bit more, maybe a closer angle on Candles face, but at the moment, I dont think it works, any way, feel free to comment, crit ad advice or just slag it off.
Push um up and together!
Hay kids, sorry I didnt post yesterday, uh, sure there is a reason, but damned if i know what it is, anyway, in between working and sleeping and the ocasional bit of food, I have managed to continue the epic inking task that is STAYING IN THE LIGHT! here is another little sample featuring Wilhelmina looking a bit dazzled, shocked, excited, or just plain old surprised, you'll have to read it to find out, any ways, hope you like it, its probably one of my fave panels from the whole thing and I didn't manage to kill it by inking it, theres still the colouring yet though... fingers crossed.
stuff and things
Hello there.
As some of you have commented, the lay outs changed, and not for the better, poor blogger, they do their best, no, there is a reason for it, the other layout, as awesome as it was, provided by my bud GO3, was indeed fantastic but i needed to add some contacts the other day and the HTML had changed the point where i had no idea how to do that, so, i stripped it back to a generic template to allow for the connection to other people and networking madness
On the art front, I dont have allot to show you, so i slammed up some pencils from the madness that is CANDLEMAN STAYING IN THE LIGHT!
As some of you have commented, the lay outs changed, and not for the better, poor blogger, they do their best, no, there is a reason for it, the other layout, as awesome as it was, provided by my bud GO3, was indeed fantastic but i needed to add some contacts the other day and the HTML had changed the point where i had no idea how to do that, so, i stripped it back to a generic template to allow for the connection to other people and networking madness
On the art front, I dont have allot to show you, so i slammed up some pencils from the madness that is CANDLEMAN STAYING IN THE LIGHT!
On the corner of a page...
seems to be where i work best, i did these quickly this morning, they are pretty tiny but they had charm, so i posted um, the female marine looks pretty sweet, i shall see if i can do a more impressive version later.
The little dude with the pistols is based on a character i did for my university film way back in the mists of time
The little dude with the pistols is based on a character i did for my university film way back in the mists of time
mmm nice rings
Zombie swat
Here am a zombie i did, only a quick 20 minute sketch, but he turned out quite well.
In the art world, one of the guys I work with threw some links my way, check it out, its sweet stuff http://firecrows.blogspot.com/
and here too http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:firecrow78/3014077§ion=
one day I wont suck!
In the art world, one of the guys I work with threw some links my way, check it out, its sweet stuff http://firecrows.blogspot.com/
and here too http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:firecrow78/3014077§ion=
one day I wont suck!
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