
Just call us Shield!

More colouring ins! Hello there, I am trying to make sure that my colour work am good enough to do the upcoming Candleman, I keep waving this infront of you I know, and I've already had folks going, WHERE IS IT!, well thing is, it really is a mega opus and I'm still in the pencils stage I'm affraid, so yer just gonna have to wait as is up to 80 pages so far and still romping along its gonna be a massive amount of work.
But please, stick close, as it goes along, I'll keep you updated and I promis it will be worth it.
In other comic news, the latest printed Candleman is done ( CANDLEMAN VS CHRISTMAS) and will be on sale at Birmingham comic con this year, for info, go here; http://www.thecomicsshow.co.uk/
I hope to see you all there and giving me money in exchange for sequential art :)

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